Meta-Active members at the annual meeting 2023

Annual meeting 2023

Meta-Active meeting on its first visit in Canberra
Meta-Active members at the annual meeting 2023
Image: IRTG Meta-Active

Group picture of doctoral candidates which attend Annual meeting 2023 online in Jena

Image: IRTG Meta-Active

From 1. to 3. March 2023, the second Annual Meeting took place at the ANU in Canberra. About six months after our last joint meeting we were welcomed at the ANU Campus and had the chance to assess the progress of the new facilities in their new Physics building. 

During the meeting all doctoral candidates and Postdocs reported on their projects and recent research. Since a large fraction of the Meta-Active members were not able to travel to Australia, all sessions were held in a hybrid mode. The young researchers in Jena organized a local meet-up as well and joined the online presentations as a team.

Due to the time shift the hybrid part was stretched over two days. In the non-hybrid time, the PIs in Canberra met for strategic project discussions. In addition, the administrative team of Meta-Active had the chance to get to know each other and discuss the organizational details of current and future research visits. Beside the scientific exchange on campus the group enjoyed an excursion to the Tidbibbilla National Park where research discussions were followed by grazing kangaroos.

The talks and recordings of the Annual Meeting can be found on the Meta-Active Moodle platform.

The program of the event can be found here: Program Meta-Active Annual Meeting 2023pdf, 549 kb.

  • Speakers Dragomir Neshev and Isabelle Staude welcome all members to the Annual Meeting 2023
    Speakers Dragomir Neshev and Isabelle Staude welcome all members to the Annual Meeting 2023
    Image: IRTG Meta-Active
  • Isabelle Staude giving a talk during Annual Meeting 2023
    Isabelle Staude giving a talk during Annual Meeting 2023
    Image: IRTG Meta-Active
  • Thomas Pertsch presents a slide during PI Talk at the Annual Meeting 2023
    Thomas Pertsch presents a slide during PI Talk at the Annual Meeting 2023
    Image: IRTG Meta-Active
  • Meta-Active doctoral student Laura Valencia gives a talk during Annual Meeting 2023
    Meta-Active doctoral student Laura Valencia gives a talk during Annual Meeting 2023
    Image: IRTG Meta-Active
  • Audience listens to a student talk during Annual Meeting 2023
    Audience listens to a student talk during Annual Meeting 2023
    Image: IRTG Meta-Active
  • group picture of Meta-Active members during Annual Meeting 2023
    group picture of Meta-Active members during Annual Meeting 2023
    Image: IRTG Meta-Active
  • Group picture of Meta-Active members during an excursion to Australian National Park
    Group picture of Meta-Active members during an excursion to Australian National Park
    Image: IRTG Meta-Active
  • A guide leads a group researchers through a National Park during Annual Meeting 2023
    A guide leads a group researchers through a National Park during Annual Meeting 2023
    Image: IRTG Meta-Active
  • A guide introduces Australian nature to visiting researchers
    A guide introduces Australian nature to visiting researchers
    Image: IRTG Meta-Active
  • Meta-Active PIs meet and discuss during the Annual Meeting 2023
    Meta-Active PIs meet and discuss during the Annual Meeting 2023
    Image: IRTG Meta-Active
  • PIs of Meta-Active during strategic discussion at the annual meeting 2023
    PIs of Meta-Active during strategic discussion at the annual meeting 2023
    Image: IRTG Meta-Active