Optical investigation of metasurfaces


News concerning research and qualification from the IRTG Meta-Active, its researchers and partners.
Optical investigation of metasurfaces
Image: Manuel Decker

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  1. Prof. Dr Carsten Ronning in an experimental setup for a photoluminescence experiment.
    Image: Jens Meyer (University of Jena)
  2. colorful picture with science symbols
    Image: Johannes Kretzschmar
  3. Campus Thüringen Tour 2024
    Image: Ira Winkler
  4. Artist's impression: Microscopic source for entangled photons. A laser (green) strikes a MoS2 crystal on a substrate. This emits long-wavelength photon pairs (red) which are entangled.
    Illustration: Christian Süß (Fraunhofer IOF)
  5. Audience of Meta-Active Annual Meeting in lecture hall
    Image: IRTG Meta-Active
  6. Portrait of Prof. Dragomir Neshev
    Image: TMOS / ANU
  7. Marijin Rikers, who was on a research visit to Australie (left), his wife accepting the prize on behalf of him (right)
    Image: Maxwell Bosea, Uni Jena
  8. Advertisement of the Meta together conference
    Image: TMOS
  9. Dr. Christin David presents an experiment in the transfer of mechanical impulse.
    Image: Jens Meyer (University of Jena)
  10. group picture of the Meta-Active doctoral candidates with speaker Prof. Staude and coordinator
    Image: Anna Späthe
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